Being a good leader starts with caring about those around you.
At Bishop Flaget School, our goal is to develop your people who care about their fellow man and work to make things better for all. Social justice teaching is an important aspect of the curriculum and is incorporated into service projects to help our students develop the skills to make a difference in our world and respond to God's call for each of us.

Service projects are student-directed
Students at each grade level are involved in developing their own projects to help others. The students develop their own ways to earn the money to make a difference, rather than just asking others to donate.

Serving the community in many ways
Our junior high students are involved in a myriad of on-going service projects. This year the students have put together gift baskets for cancer patients at the Adena Cancer Center (in cooperation with Southern Ohio Survivors), volunteered at the Mobile Food Market at Hope Clinic, and participated in many activities within the parishes and school. This year, they presented a Living Nativity for the community to share the Good News of Christ's Birth and combined it with a food drive for the St. Vincent de Paul Society.