Authentically Catholic
A faith journey with eternal rewards
Inspired by Divine Mission
Models Christian Community & Identity
Catholic education sees education as a process that forms the whole child and seeks to fix his or her eyes on Heaven. A Catholic school forms boys and girls who will be good citizens of this world, loving God and neighbor, and enriching society with the Good News of the Gospel, thus fulfilling their destiny to become saints.
Our students grow in a community that embraces the love of Christ which begins at home and is fostered throughout the entire school day. Students experience what it means to live a life of prayer, personal responsibility and true freedom, which helps them grow in their commitment to serve God, one another, the Church, and society. Daily exposure to Christian witnesses strengthens their understanding of discipleship.
Encounters Christ in Prayer, Scripture, & Sacraments
Because Catholic education is rooted in Christ, students are surrounded by Him in the frequent experience of prayer, Sacred Scripture, liturgy, and traditions. Catholic themes are woven throughout the curriculum, witnessing to the role that our faith should play in our day-to-day life, and students are encouraged to live a life which embraces the dignity of life in all its forms.
Founded on a Christian anthropology
Catholic education recognizes that students are physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual beings made in the image and likeness of God. A classroom in a Catholic school is characterized by discovery of knowledge, a love for truth, and a desire to know and understand the universe as God's creation. Students understand that development of logic and reason can help them grow closer to God and deeper in their faith.
Imparts a Christian Understanding of the World
In a Catholic school, students are called to pursue the integration of culture with faith and of faith with living. Catholic education imparts a Christian vision of the world, of culture, and of history. Students acquire a Catholic cultural heritage, which prepares them for professional life and to take on the responsibility and duties of society and the Church.